Saturday, April 16, 2011

Doing Virtuous Business: The Remarkable Success of Spiritual Enterprise by Theodore Malloch

Doing Virtuous Business: The Remarkable Success of Spiritual Enterprise by Theodore Malloch is a great tool for anyone interested in not only increasing their ability as a business person but also as a pursuer of God. The book investigates this concept of how capitalism within our social constructs creates a an atmosphere for progress in the business world. Malloch expresses how one’s “spiritual enterprise” causes effects one how one conducts business because of the changes in one’s ethics and character. If one builds a spiritual enterprise where good morals and virtue are expressed one’s actions will reflect their moral strength. For example, if one builds forgiveness and honesty as part of their “spiritual enterprise” they are more likely to provide forgiveness for those who transgress them. This book is a very practical tool for all people because it shows how one’s spiritual condition is able to affect their daily life. Also, it inspires one to fine tune their “spiritual enterprise” so that they will be able to conduct better business. The only thing that Malloch infers which was hard to cope with was how he expected the spiritual values to appear in modern culture. This is hard to unify with a world of no absolutes in which people are all inherently evil.

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