Monday, October 22, 2012

A Shot of Faith to the Head by Mitch Stokes

A Shot of Faith to the Head by Mitch Stokes is a Christian endeavor to bolster faith amid an age of Atheism. The author has a practical and pragmatic method to improving our methods of apologetics in order to give sound defense against atheist claims. The author does so by identifying several problems and weaknesses with our current model of apologetics. Each chapter reveals the historical way in which we defended that particular view and then provides an up to date defense. I applaud the author’s attempt to create solid defense for many of the Christian doctrines and appreciate the time, effort, and study to prepare such a necessary tool. There are certain places in which the author’s time may have been better allocated. First, the author’s appraisal of Atheist views seem to be one sided, though I am a Christian, there are many things one can learn from unbiased study of Atheist perspective. In studying their perspective one may be able to provide a better critique of their claims. His appeal to scripture to battle against Atheist claims help bolster Christian faith but not the faith of those who do not hold to the authority of Scripture. Therefore, one might grapple with Philosophy and Ethics which are more secular arenas for discourse. In doing so with a Christian perspective, one can make claims which are translatable to non-Christians.